Practice Periods at Great Tree
In person or on Zoom

Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple offers three Practice Periods a Year: a Mini Practice Period (4-weeks) in February and longer Practice Periods in the Spring and Fall.
Throughout the Practice Period, all participants are required to attend Thursday evening zazen and study group, as well as make a personal commitment to engage in as many scheduled activities as possible, either at Great Tree or their local sitting group. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend one or more sesshins during the Practice Period.
Anyone can sign up to participate by sending an email to expressing:
1. Personal intention, which includes what you plan to focus on during the Practice Period.
2. Additional weekly Sangha activities you wish to commit to, such as Saturday Practice, morning zazen (zoom only)...
3. Participants are also encouraged to commit to monthly full moon gatherings and sesshins.
For further information contact
All participants asked to: