Welcome to Great Tree Zen Women's Temple
Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple offers Soto Zen Buddhist teachings and practice for all in an environment that welcomes diversity and fosters a spiritual community based on mutual respect.
A “Great Tree” is a tree that reaches in many directions and nurtures all beings. The primary purpose of Great Tree is to provide opportunities to enter more deeply into the practice of self-reflection in order to learn to live in peace and harmony with all beings.
In the fall of 1983 Rev. Teijo Munnich began to envision the establishment of a women's practice center. In 2003 Great Tree Zen Women's Temple received 501(c)(3) status as a church. In 2005 Great Tree moved to its current location near Asheville North Carolina.
Currently Great Tree offers in person and on-line meditation, Intro to Zen classes, study groups, family practice, Zen retreats (sesshin), Saturday morning lectures, full moon gatherings, and special events. All ages welcome.