Jukai: Receiving the Precepts
Every two years, Great Treen Temple offers an opportunity to receive the Precepts for anyone interested. In preparation for the ceremony, participants are required to complete a small Buddha robe (rakusu), which is presented to them during a Precepts ceremony (Jukai).
Requirements for Receiving the Precepts are:
Participate in full 5 day Sewing Retreat;
Complete sewing of a small buddha robe (rakusu);
Attend Precepts Sesshin;
Participate in Precepts ceremony at the end of Precepts Sesshin.
If you are interested in receiving the precepts and sewing a Rakusu contact teijo@greattreetemple.org before the next sewing retreat to state your intention.
If you need financial assistance to attend a sesshin or practice event, please email info@greattreetemple.org. We won't turn anyone away for lack of funds, but we appreciate donations to help us keep offering these programs to everyone.